Official Board


Sunday - 9AM Sunday School | 10AM Worship Service

Official Board

The Official Board is invested with administrative powers to plan, coordinate, integrate, and supervise the ongoing programs of the congregation. Our Official Board is primarily responsible for long-range planning, goals and programs, and the initiation of new programs.  The Official Board is empowered to act on behalf of the congregational  as interim except for those actions specifically reserved for the congregational business meetings.

The Official Board consists of the Pastor(s), the Church Clerk, and the Church Treasurer who are ex-officio members without vote and along with all members of the Deacon Board, Ministerial Board, Trustee Board, Finance Board and the elected members of the Board of Christian Education.

The Official Board organizes itself annually by naming a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among its elected members.  The Chairperson is responsible to call all Official Board meetings.  The Church Clerk serves as secretary for the Official Board.

 The Official Board meets monthly or as scheduled.

Official Board Responsibilities

Fulfill the Directives of the Congregation
* Board members are required to fulfill the wishes and directives of the congregation as passed during the Congregational Business Meetings.
* Fill vacancies in elective offices occurring between congregational business meetings and fill other vacancies not otherwise provided.
* Prepare the agenda for the Congregational Business Meetings and publish these items with advanced notice to ensure all Church Members are informed.
* Provide for the annual audit.
* Allocate and define authority to establish bank accounts and the signing of legal documents.
* Report all actions of the Official Board to the Congregational Business Meetings.
* Bring recommendations to the Congregational Business Meetings when major church policy needs revision or is involved.
* Reviews, considers, and may make dispositions on concerns brought by any group or individual member.
Assign, Supervise, and Coordinate Boards and Committees
* Members are to oversee the various boards and committees of the church.
* Interpret rules of procedure for boards and committees.
* Review the purposed budget from the Finance Board prior to presentation at the Congregational Business Meeting.
* Approve and supervise, within the limits of Congregational Directives, the expenditure of all funds.
* Review the work done by all the boards and committees monthly or on a regular basis.
* Identify and obtain secretarial support for the Pastor(s).
Planning, Goal Setting, and Initiating New Programs
* Members are to project long-term planning with setting goals and initiate new programs to enhance the work of the church.
* Make all appointments for which the Official Board is responsible.
* Enlist the help of district officials in program planning.


Jed Zerance

Chairman of Official Board

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Wes Smith


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Marsha Gray

Church Clerk

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Deanna Brown

Church Treasurer

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