Church Board


Sunday - 9AM Sunday School | 10AM Worship Service

Congregational Business Meetings

The congregational business meeting is the final authority and governing body within the Three Springs Church congregation; it is the church in business session.  Our congregation will meeting  meet twice annually, or as needed to conduct the business of the church.  During the congregational business meeting, the participants  hear reports from the respective Boards and evaluate past accomplishments, study present conditions, and plan the future programs of the church, record the voice of the congregation on current issues where Christian witness is urgent, and provide opportunity for sharing and coordinating differing points of view.  The business meeting will also elect officers, adopt budgets, rule on policy and organizational matters, and authorize church officials to act on behalf of the congregation.  Only members of Three Springs Church will be eligible to vote in the Congregational Business Meeting.

Congregational Membership

Church Membership should not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly because it is membership in the body of Christ.  Both the congregation and the member themselves should diligently strive to make membership meaningful and significant.  Each person will be instructed in the Word of God and the faith and practices of Three Springs Church prior to being received into membership.  The occasion of their reception shall be a service of spiritual dignity, beauty, and meaning.


Our members are active in seeking, and our church is diligent in helping them discover their rightful place in the ministry of Christ and His church.  It is expected that the members  be faithful in discharging their Christian responsibility by way of attendance at regular worship services, communions, and other meetings of the congregation, and by their stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.  Our members remember in their daily work, and wherever they may be, that they are part of the church and are responsible for a witness that is Christian.  The congregation may well consider the periodic renewal of vows and commitments for all its members.